HP Police recruitment: Online applications starts for Constable posts, apply now at recruitment.hppolice.gov.in
HP Police recruitment: The candidates should apply online on the official website by April 30, 2019.
TSLPRB recruitment 2018: The candidates can download the admit cards from the official website-www.tslprb.in using the roll number and Date of Birth.
TSLPRB recruitment 2018: The admit cards for Physical Measurement Test/ Physical Efficiency Test for SI, Constable posts has been released by Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board. The candidates can download the admit cards from the official website-www.tslprb.in using the roll number and Date of Birth.
PMT/PET will start from December 17, 2018.
The candidates can download the admit cards from the official website-www.tslprb.in
According to the official notification, ‘All the Candidates who have qualified for PMT / PET are informed that their individual Admit Cards / Intimation Letters can be downloaded from 8 a m on 9th December onwards till 12 midnight on 15th December 2018 by logging into their respective user accounts on the TSLPRB website: www.tslprb.in by entering their credentials.’
The candidates whose admit cards could not be downloaded may send e-mail to support@tslprb.in or contact the board on 93937 11110 or 93910 05006.
Important Information:
• The candidates should take a printout of the admit card, preferably on A4 size paper.
• The candidates should bring the following documents:
• Admit Card / Intimation Letter
• Print-Out of the Part-II Application duly signed by the Candidate.
• Self-Attested Photocopy of Community Certificate issued by Government of Telangana
• Self-Attested Photocopy of Ex-Serviceman / No-Objection Certificate (by Personnel yet to be discharged)
• Self-Attested Photocopy of Agency Area Certificate for Aboriginal ST Candidates issued by the Government of Telangana.
For more information, the candidates should check the official notification here.