Odisha Governor Ganeshi Lal on Friday said the keys to the Ratna Bhandar ( treasure house ) of Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri, going “missing” is “unfortunate” and concerned authorities need to uncover the truth of the incident at the earliest.
The whole issue is an emotional one for the people of Odisha, he said while welcoming the judicial probe ordered by the state government.
The truth must come out as early as possible putting an end to all speculations and anxiety of millions of devotees world over, he said.
Meanwhile, the Odisha unit of the BJP on Friday announced a series of protest and agitations over the issue. State BJP president Basant Panda said on 11 June protests will be held in all districts across the state and from 12 June police complaints will be filed in each district on the missing keys.
The incompetence of the government and concerned authorities will be exposed by way of jan jagaran yatra, he said.
The ruling BJD denounced such action plans saying the BJP was out to rake up an emotive issue instead of having faith on the judicial probe ordered by the government.
The Ratna Bhandar was opened in 1978 and again in 1985 following which it was sealed. Hence, the BJD government has nothing to hide or fear , said the ruling party.