President Ram Nath Kovind has accepted the resignation of Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, Vijaya K Tahilramani days after she decided to step down following her tranfer to Meghalaya High Court.
Chief Justice Tahilramani had tendered her resignation to the President and sent a copy of it to Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi on September 6 after the Supreme Court Collegium declined her request for reconsideration of transfer to Meghalaya.
Even before her resignation was accepted, Justice Tahilramani had abstained from court proceedings.
On August 28, the Collegium had recommended Justice Tahilramani’s transfer to Meghalaya.
Meanwhile, Justice Vineet Kothari has been appointed as the acting Chief Justice of Madras High Court.
Earlier this month, Madras High Court Advocates’ Association (MHCAA) at its extraordinary general body meeting had appealed to the Collegium of the Supreme Court to reconsider its decision to transfer the present Chief Justice Tahilramani to Meghalaya High Court.
The MHCAA, in its resolution, also appealed to Chief Justice of Madras High Court, Justice Tahilramani, to reconsider and withdraw her resignation.
The lawyers’ body further appealed to President Ram Nath Kovind and the Centre to not accept her resignation and also the Supreme Court collegium’s decision of recommending her transfer.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has said that it would not be in the interest of the institution to disclose the reasons for transfer.