The first test flight for the ambitious Gaganyaan mission will be conducted by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday. According to the national space agency, the first Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1) will serve as a demonstration of the Crew Escape System’s (CES) functionality.
The Gaganyaan test flight, like all ISRO launches, will originate from the organization’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, and will be streamed live across a number of platforms.
The drill will be streamed live on the space body’s Facebook page, YouTube channel, and official website, The national network, Doordarshan, will also provide live streaming of the event. Additionally, the YouTube player is embedded here:
According to ISRO, the live broadcast will begin at 7:30 am on the launch day.
By carrying a three-person crew to an orbit of 400 kilometres over the course of three days and safely returning them, with a landing planned in Indian sea waters, the Gaganyaan project will showcase the capacity of human spaceflight. An LVM3 rocket—a vehicle with solid, liquid, and cryogenic stages—will carry the crew to orbit.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi was told during a review meeting earlier this week that the project is scheduled for up to 20 major tests, including three unmanned flights.
The meeting confirmed that Gaganyaan will launch in 2025.