Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker P. Dhanapal on Friday directed the 19 AIADMK legislators belonging to the faction of jailed party General Secretary V.K. Sasikala to appear before him on September 14.
This the second notice to the lawmakers owing allegiance to Sasikala and her nephew and party Deputy General Secretary T.T.V. Dinakaran.
On August 24, Dhanapal had issued a notice to the lawmakers asking them why they should not be disqualified under the anti-defection law.
The August 24 notice came soon after AIADMK’s Chief Whip S. Rajendran wrote to Dhanapal to disqualify the 19 MLAs who have rebelled against Chief Minister K. Palaniswami.
The legislators had submitted a letter to Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao withdrawing their support to Palaniswami and urging the former to find a new Chief Minister.
On August 30, the legislators to whom notices were served gave their response to Dhanapal.
Subsequently, Dhanpal asked the legislators to appear before him on September 7 (Thursday).
Only S.T.K. Jakkaiyan met Dhanpal on Thursday and also switched loyalties to Palaniswami.