The Tamil Nadu Education Department has formed a committee to study the feasibility of all schools in the state after ordering the demolition of 100 buildings in Pudukottai district as they were in dilapidated condition.
In a statement on Sunday, Anbil Mahesh, the state’s Minister for School Education, said that the committee will look into the strength of the school buildings, including libraries, labs, kitchens, bathrooms, and classrooms.
The team comprises engineering personal officials from the Education Department; Revenue and Disaster Management Department, District Rural Development Authority (DRDA); and municipal departments.
The Minister in the statement said that structurally weak school buildings will be demolished and only the ones that are suitable for further use would be repaired.
Mahesh also said that students of the schools which will be demolished would be accommodated in nearby government schools and if there are space constraints in such schools, classes would be held in rent-controlled buildings.
He said that the state government has allocated an amount of Rs 250 crore for the demolition and maintenance of school buildings.
According to the Minister, the previous AIADMK government had allocated only Rs 75 crore for the same.
This move comes after three students of a government-aided school in Tirunelveli were crushed to death when the building collapsed on December 17.