The Ranthambhore tiger T-86, well known as Chirico, who is believed to have killed a shepherd in the area adjoining the national park on Saturday, was stoned to death in attack by enraged villagers.
An official quoting the preliminary findings of the postmortem — done by veterinarians of the medical board in Ranthambore on Monday– said “The post-mortem revealed that the tiger was killed by a mob of villagers.”
The postmortem conducting team found marks of injury from being hit by stones and sharp objects (like axe).
The autopsy also revealed an older wound that suggested he might have been injured in a fight with another tiger some time ago, the official said.
The 12-year old full grown big cat had pounced upon and killed shepherd Bharat Lal Meena (50) on Saturday. The animal was chased and attacked by a stone pelting mob of villagers.
However, the forest and wildlife department officials did not confirm or deny the reports about villagers retaliatory attack, rather expressed unawareness about villagers action.
On Sunday morning, a video showing a tiger’s body in the forests surfaced on social media that soon went viral.
This prompted the officials to rush teams of foresters to search and recover the tiger’s body yesterday afternoon. They found the cat’s body near the location, late Sunday evening, where the predator had killed the shepherd on Saturday.