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As per the All India Tiger Estimation (AITE), 2022 report, minimum 17 tigers were camera-trapped in Odisha, which was largely confined to Similipal Tiger Reserve.
[Representational Photo : iStock]
The population of royal Bengal tigers has gone up to 30 in the past two years in Odisha, according to the maiden All Odisha Tiger Estimation (AOTE) 2023-24 report released by the State forest department.
As per the All India Tiger Estimation (AITE), 2022 report, minimum 17 tigers were camera-trapped in Odisha, which was largely confined to Similipal Tiger Reserve.
However, a total of 27 unique adult tigers were camera-trapped in Odisha during the AOTE exercise, comprising 14 females and 13 males. Evidence of another 3 adult tigers was also seen in the Similipal tiger reserve, which have not been camera trapped.
With 24 adult unique tigers, Similipal Tiger Reserve currently holds the largest share of the state’s tiger population. Similipal currently holds all the adult female tigers of the state. In total, 13 adult tigers (seven females and six males) were found to be pseudo-melanistic in Similipal, the report said.
In order to keep a close track of its tiger population and develop appropriate management strategy, the AOTE 2023-2024 was conducted, which spanned across 47 forest divisions, aimed at much more intensive state-level tiger monitoring.
A State-level field survey was conducted to look for tiger signs such as pugmarks, scrapes, scats, rakes, urine spray, vocalization and livestock depredation. Sites where the direct and indirect signs of tigers were found with certainty were intensively camera-trapped to arrive at the minimum number of unique adult tigers based on their distinctive stripe pattern. Camera trap image based identification of tigers is a scientifically accepted methodology and is also used in the All India Tiger Estimation exercises.
Seven cubs which were of less than one year were also photo-captured in Similipal. Apart from Similipal, the Hirakud Wildlife Division and Paralakhemundi Territorial Forest Division, each holds one adult male tiger. Another adult male tiger was also found to utilise Greater Similipal tiger Landscape.
The tiger abundance has increased in Odisha from the previous estimate of AITE 2022. Similipal Tiger Reserve, which currently harbours 27 unique adult individuals, has also witnessed an increase from 16 tigers captured through Camera Traps in 2021-2022.
This growth has resulted from strict management actions and scientific conservation practices. The images of eight unique tiger cubs during AOTE 2023, indicate a recovering population in Similipal landscape.
Similipal is the only place on earth to boast the pseudo-melanistic tigers, the report added.