Three MBBS students reportedly drowned while taking a bath in the Ganges in Badaun, on the occasion of Mahashivratri on Saturday. Although five students were washed away, two were pulled out safely while three have not been traced.
SDM Sadar, CO and other police officers reached the spot immediately after the incident was reported. A divers’ team is engaged in the search for the students.
Police said the incident occurred when the MBBS students were taking bath at Kachla Ganga Ghat in Ujhani Kotwali area on Saturday afternoon.
Among the students, 23-year-old Ankush, resident of Bharatpur Rajasthan, and 22-year-old Pramod Yadav, resident of Gorakhpur, have been rescued. But the bodies of 22-year-old Naveen Sengar of Hathras, 24-year-old Pawan Yadav from Ballia and 26-year-old Jaiprakash Maurya, a native of Jaunpur, were yet to be traced.
All the students belong to Government Medical College Badaun. An eye witness said suddenly all the students went into deep water and were washed away. Two were saved by the divers present at the ghat.