Following a viral video from Bhopal, in which three Muslim men are allegedly seen threatening and abusing a Hindu youth with a belt tied in his neck like a dog collar, the police have arrested three accused after state Home Minister Narottam Mishra directed them to take immediate action.
According to information, the video from the Teela Jamalpura locality in Bhopal is a few days old. The complainant youth, whose name has been given as Vijay Ramchandani of Indra Vihar Colony in Bhopal, can be seen squatting on the ground with the belt tied in his neck. He is seen with folded hands asking for forgiveness and saying he is ready to become a ‘Miyan’.
The accused, whose names are said to be Sahil, Sajid and Faizan, can be seen and heard abusing Vijay and pressurizing him to bark like a dog and ask for forgiveness.
Reacting to the video, the home minister said on Monday that he had seen the video. He said it is extremely disturbing to see some men treating a human being like this. The Home Minister said he asked the Bhopal Commissioner of police to take immediate action against the perpetrators of such a shameful and inhuman act.
The police swung into action and nabbed the three accused youths. Police have booked the accused under sections 365, 341, 341, 323, 327, 294, 427 and 34 of the IPC and further investigations are on.
The police also registered a case under the freedom of religion Act, after allegations from the victim’s family that the accused were also trying to convert him to Islam.