Three persons including a father-son duo were killed in their sleep in Bishnupur, Manipur yesterday. According to many news sources, fresh violence broke out late on Friday night in Bishnupur. Around three in the morning, the tragedy happened as the victims slept in their homes within the boundaries of Phougakchao Ikhai police station in Kwakta town of the Bishnupur district. Later their bodies were hacked.
The three previously resided at a relief camp, but on Friday, once the situation had eased, they moved to their homes in Kwakta, according to police, who were quoted by PTI.
Security troops went to the scene after learning of the event, where they engaged the terrorists in combat.
A mob formed in the town shortly after the incident and tried to move toward Churachandpur but was halted by security officers, according to the police.
“Heavy exchange of fire between state forces and militants was going on at nearby Phougakchao and in the vicinity of Kwakta,” they reported.
Since May 3, when Kukis staged a protest march in opposition to a high court decision urging that the Meiteis be given scheduled tribe (ST) status, Manipur has been rocked by ethnic confrontations. The northeastern state has experienced recurring instances of violent conflict due to the ethnic conflicts between the two communities.
A substantial stockpile of weapons and ammunition was stolen from an armoury earlier this week. One AK series assault rifle, 25 INSAS rifles, four Ghatak rifles, five INSAS light machine guns, five MP-5 rifles, 124 hand grenades, 21 SMC carbines, 195 SLR rifles, and 16 9-mm pistols were included among the weapons and ammunition in an annexure.
Even though there have been ethnic tensions in Manipur for three months, the state recently received new national attention after a video of two Kuki women being paraded naked by a mob went viral on social media.