Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that Ayodhya has gained a new identity over the last seven years, which was not achieved easily but through a long struggle and that it is now the responsibility of the people of Ayodhya to preserve it.
Targeting the opposition, he told the people of Ayodhya that the negative forces have no respect for them and merely seek to show off.
The CM said that those who see a vote bank even in atrocities cannot be considered your well-wishers.
CM Yogi was addressing a public meeting during the installation programme of the divine and grand statues of the revered Acharyas of Shri Ram Darbar and Ashrafi Bhawan Ayodhya Dham at the Ayodhya Vidyapeeth campus in the Milkipur assembly segment on Saturday.
The by-election for the Milkipur assembly seat is slated to be held soon, following the election of its present SP member Awadhesh Prasad to the Faizabad (Ayodhya) Lok Sabha seat. This was the first election-related meeting of the CM.
The Chief Minister said that regardless of the circumstances, no one can dissuade them from their values.
Speaking on the situation in Bangladesh, he said that 90 per cent of the Hindus being tortured there are part of the Dalit community, but since Hindus there are not a vote bank here, no one is speaking out.
Yogi Adityanath said that it is our responsibility to protect the Hindus of Bangladesh. He stated that being a Hindu in Bangladesh is not a mistake but a matter of fortune, and it is our duty to stand with them in times of pain. As a matter of humanity, we must protect them, and we will continue to do so.
The Chief Minister said that today, the negative forces, who do not believe in Ram or Krishna and lack respect for Indianness, are unable to raise their voices for Hindus being tortured anywhere in the world. They are afraid that speaking out might jeopardise their vote bank.
“Those who view atrocities happening in the world as opportunities for gaining votes cannot be considered your well-wishers,” he remarked.
Yogi said that whenever demonic tendencies become strong, we must be prepared to fight them. He added that our future will be secure only when our freedom is secure.
The Chief Minister said, “We have to recognise our interests and disadvantages, assess where and how we will obtain security, and identify our well-wishers and opponents. This must be addressed in time, or future generations will curse us.”
Referring to the centenary festival of the Kakori Train Action, CM Yogi paid tribute to the patriotism of Pandit Ramprasad Bismil, Rajendranath Lahiri, Thakur Roshan Singh, Ashfaqullah Khan, and Chandrashekhar Azad. The Chief Minister called upon everyone to hoist the tricolour at every house and take out tricolour yatras from 13th to 15th August.
The Chief Minister said that it is his great fortune to have the honour of installing the holy idols of Shri Ram Darbar and the statues of revered saints on the sacred land of Ayodhya Dham.