Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, on Wednesday, said that whosoever is found to be a part of the “terror ecosystem” in Jammu and Kashmir will face action as per the law and that it was the prime duty of police and security agencies to trace such people.
“No one will be spared if found supporting terrorism in any way,” Sinha told newspersons on the sidelines of a function on agriculture here. He was replying to a question whether action would be taken against politicians if found involved in supporting terrorism.
“The terror eco-system is being destroyed by the security forces,” he added.
Replying to a question on the nearly 200 days long sit-in strike by employees who migrated to Jammu from Kashmir after incidents of targeted killings, the L-G said that almost all migrant Kashmiri Pandits, who were given the government jobs in the Valley under the PM’s package, have been posted at safe places in various district headquarters and there may be some whose issues are being settled down.
“We have a nodal officer who is monitoring the grievances of migrant KPs. All measures are being taken to resolve their issues,” he said.
Replying to another query about the salary of such employees having been stopped by the authorities, the L-G said that no one will be allowed to enjoy salary and other perks while sitting at home.
They have specifically been employed under a scheme and they should keep in mind that they are employees of Kashmir Division. A committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary has been constituted to look into their demands, he said.
He, however, said that some targeted killings of Kashmiri Pandits took place after which migrant groups raised certain concerns. “The administration took swift action and resolved the issues confronting the minority community employees working under the PM’s package,” said the L-G.
Replying to a query that there were terror threats about opening of Israel sponsored agriculture development centres in J&K, the L-G said that it was the J&K Administration and the Centre that take calls on who would work, who would open offices and who would invest here.
Asked whether the administration would allow Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra, which is to enter J&K in January, he said the government believes in democratic principles and no drive or march that is held within such principles are banned or disallowed.
“As far as Covid protocol is concerned, we will see and monitor what would be Covid-19 situation in January,” he said, adding that only such activities that go against India’s sovereignty are banned and disallowed.
To a query that some media reports suggest that investment proposals were on papers only, the L-G said that he too came to know through such news reports.
“But the fact remains that there have been investments of Rs 100 cr, Rs 200 crore and even Rs 900 crore as well. We are facing infrastructure related issues at some places that are being addressed. I assure you all that Rs 70,000 crore investments will be a reality soon,” he said.
Referring to the G20 Summit meetings in J&K, Sinha said that one such meeting will be held in Srinagar and “we have asked for one more in Jammu, but no confirmation has been received so far. Our effort will be to showcase the vibrant Jammu and Kashmir during the meeting.”