Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Tuesday that with the completion of the elections in three phases, half of the Lok Sabha seats have concluded voting. The only slogans echoing across the country are ‘Fir Ek Baar Modi Sarkar, Abki Baar 400 Paar’ which is leaving Opposition parties bewildered.
Addressing a huge election rally for the Akbarpur Lok Sabha seat at the Patara Railway Station ground in Ghatampur, the chief minister said, “When they fail to comprehend anything, they resort to conspiracies against India. Statements from Opposition parties indicate that these elections are between ‘Ram Bhakts’ and ‘Ramdrohis’. Those who are ‘Ram Bhakts’ are also ‘Rashtra Bhakts’ of the nation.”
During the rally, Yogi appealed to the public to vote in favour of BJP candidate Devendra Singh Bhole.
He said the mere mention of the name ‘Akbarpur’ often evokes hesitation. All of this will change. We must put an end to the signs of slavery and honour our heritage. This region needs to be integrated with the mainstream of development. To achieve this goal, active participation through voting in the ongoing national campaign is essential.
The chief minister stated that it is an eternal truth that ‘Ramdrohis’ have always met their downfall. The 2024 Lok Sabha elections will confirm this truth. He emphasized, “This is not merely an election to form a government. On the one hand, under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, the country is being established as a new Aatmanirbhar Bharat, while on the other, ‘Ramdrohis’ are working to divide us based on caste and regional identities.”
Terrorists are being glorified, and mafias are encouraged. There is a conspiracy underway to grant the rights of Scheduled Castes, Tribes, and Backward Castes to minorities, CM Yogi added.
Attacking the Opposition, he said during the UPA rule, the SP and the BSP were supporting Congress. At that time, the Ranganath Mishra Committee had recommended giving Muslims a 6 per cent reservation by deducting from the reservation for backward classes. When the BJP opposed this, Congress had to withdraw the proposal.
Similarly, the Sachar Committee was formed, and Congress conspired to include some castes of Muslims in the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, he added.
“Congress has consistently engaged in divisive politics, fostering division within the nation and actively promoting terrorism and separatism in various regions. It has once again promised to give such reservations in its manifesto this time,” he added.
The chief minister said Congress and the SP did not convey their condolences on the demise of former chief minister of UP Kalyan Singh. Likewise, no compassion was shown for Raju Pal who was murdered in Prayagraj, and advocate Umesh Pal. Presently, the mafia has been eradicated and justice has been served. Their sympathy lies with the mafia and ‘Ramdrohis’.
CM Yogi said the government is currently conducting a survey to assess the potential for cultivating sugarcane in the area. If viable, plans are underway to establish a sugar and ethanol complex in the region. During the SP regime, only guns were manufactured here, but under the Kanpur Defence Corridor, cannons for the nation will be produced. When the cannons will kill terrorists at the border, the names of Kanpur and UP will resonate in everyone’s minds”, he added.
He further said presently, the ammunition being produced here is reaching the entire world. Only the BJP government can accomplish such tasks. Whether it’s about free ration or free healthcare, from the birth of a daughter to her education and marriage arrangements, or providing security to daughters and businessmen, your vote is shaping the vision of a new India.
Taking a dig at the Congress and INDIA alliance, CM Yogi said, “Those who are responsible for dividing the country will work to divide you in the future. We have to make the country self-reliant and developed under the leadership of PM Modi.”