The Supreme Court on Friday snubbed the Enforcement Directorate as it dismissed its plea challenging Delhi High Court order granting bail to Karnataka Congress leader DK Shivakumar in a money laundering case, for doing a ‘copy paste job’ in their appeal referring to Shivakumar as the former Home Minister of the country.
A bench comprising Justices R F Nariman and S Ravindra Bhat rejected the request of the Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Enforcement Directorate (ED), to issue a notice to the other side on the appeal.
Slamming the Solicitor General, the court remarked, “This is not the way people of the country should be treated,” and asked him to read their dissenting judgment in Sabarimala issue.
The Delhi High Court had on October 23 granted bail to Shivakumar.
According to The Newsminute, the bench also issued notices to the ED based on a petition filed by DK Shivakumar which sought quashing of charges filed by the Income Tax Department. It was based on the I-T Department’s chargesheet that that the ED has registered a case.