As Rajya Sabha bid farewell to its Chairman and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday gave a farewell speech and said Naidu’s term in office may end but his experience will continue to guide the nation for years to come.
Paying rich tributes to the Vice President who is ex-officio Chairman of the Upper House, the PM further said, “Your term in the office may be coming to an end but your experiences will continue to guide the nation and workers of public life like me will continue to benefit from your experiences for years to come.”
“You (Naidu) have always said that you have retired from politics but not from public life,” added Modi as Naidu’s term as VP ends on August 10.
Narrating about Naidu’s love for languages, Modi said, “His command over the languages has always been great and it is one of the admirable things about Naidu’s passion and love for language.”
Modi added, “His love for languages also reflected in how he presided over the House. He contributed to increased productivity of the Upper House.
Underlining his close association with Naidu in various capacities, the PM said, “I have worked with M. Venkaiah Naidu Ji closely over the years. I have also seen him take up different responsibilities and he performed each of them with great dedication.”
He added that people in public life can learn a lot from M. Venkaiah Naidu.
Highlighting about Niadu’s wit liners and word power, Modi said “Your each word is heard, preferred, and revered…and never countered.”
The Prime Minister continued, “The one liners of Naidu Ji are famous. They are wit liners.Both in the House and outside, massive expression skills of the Vice President have made a great impact. There is both depth and substance in what Naidu Ji says, it is as direct as incomparable, there is both wit and weight, warmth as well as wisdom in what you say.”
“When we mark August 15 this year, it will be an Independence Day when the President, Vice-President, Speaker and Prime Minister would have been born after Independence. And that too, each of them hail from simple backgrounds,” he said.
Prime Minister Modi further noted that as the Vice-President, Naidu devoted a lot of time to youth welfare and a lot of his programmes were focused on Yuva Shakti.