Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday for the first time since assuming office and sought immediate release of Central funds to his state as well as resolution of pending issues under the AP Reorganisation Act.
The chief minister was accompanied by Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Bhikramarka who also holds the finance portfolio.
Soon after the meeting, Reddy took to social media platform ‘X’ and wrote, “We sought the prompt resolution of the pending issues and cooperation for the development of the state from the PM.”
“We informed the Prime Minister that a White Paper was introduced in the Assembly on state finances. We requested him to release pending funds and implementation of assurances in AP Reorganisation Act, 2014,” said deputy chief minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka to the media after the meeting.
According to the sources, the release of Central funds has been quite sluggish in this financial year. Every year between 2015 -21 the Centre had released Rs 450 crore to Telangana but grants amounting Rs1800 crore were pending and so was the Rs 2,233.54 crore recommended by 15th Finance Commission. With the Congress government pledging to implement the six guarantees within 100 days of coming to power the state is now trying to secure funds from the Centre, particularly the central share for various schemes.
The new government soon, after assuming office, tabled a White Paper on the state finances, stating that the previous BRS government had left the state in debts through financial mismanagement.
The establishment of a steel plant at Bayyaram, a railway coach factory at Kazipet, the pending ITIR project as well as establishment of a Sainik School and IIM were some of the issues mentioned in the representation submitted to the prime minister. Another key issue was granting of national project status to Palamuru and Ranga Reddy project. They also wanted a tribal university to be established in Mulugu should start its academic session from next year.