Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Thursday, had a meeting with the leadership team of the Tata Sons and PSMC who shared the updates on their semiconductor manufacturing projects.
The meeting holds importance as it comes days after India and the US tied up to set up a semiconductor fabrication plant in the country.
In a post on X, Modi said, “Had a great meeting with the leadership team of Tata Sons and PSMC. They shared updates on their Semiconductor manufacturing projects. PSMC expressed enthusiasm to further expand its footprint in India.”
It has been the vision of the prime minister to position India as a global hub of semiconductor design, manufacturing, and technology development. Under this vision, SEMICON India 2024 was organised from September 11 to 13 at India Expo Mart in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh with the theme “Shaping the Semiconductor Future”.
The three-day conference showcased India’s semiconductor strategy and policy which envisions making India a global hub for semiconductors. It witnessed the participation of top leadership of global semiconductor giants and will bring together global leaders, companies, and experts from the semiconductor industry. More than 250 exhibitors and 150 speakers took part in the conference.