Tamil Nadu government has asked the Centre to not restart flights in the state until May 31 due to the sudden rise in the Coronavirus cases.
Due to the rising COVID-19 cases in the state capital Chennai, the state government has asked the the Ministry of Civil Aviation to defer the move.
The civil aviation ministry on Thursday had announced that only one-third of domestic commercial flight operations would resume on May 25.
Detailing out the general instructions and guidelines for passengers, airlines, airports and security agencies, the ministry said that further augmentation of flights will be done in a calibrated manner.
Flights will initially operate from metro cities i.e Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Chennai.
Chennai apart from the rising spurt in coronavirus cases would not be able to provide enough public transport because of the ongoing lockdown.
In an unprecedented measure to check the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus disease, operations of domestic scheduled commercial airlines had been suspended on March 25.
The next day, all scheduled international commercial passenger services were also suspended.
With 13967 positive coronavirus cases, Tamil Nadu is only second to Maharashtra which is the worst affected by the virus with 41642 cases. The state recorded 94 fatalitities so far, according to Health Ministry’s data.