Tamil Nadu BJP state President K Annamalai has demanded to raise the relief funds given by the state government to the affected individuals, adding, “DMK should learn from the Modi government.”
Speaking on the cyclone relief fund recently announced by the state government, Annamalai emphasised the need to raise relief funds and disburse them directly into the bank accounts of affected individuals and urged the DMK-led government to learn from the Modi government’s approach of directly transferring funds.
“The amount announced by the TN Chief Minister today has been given from the Central Government Fund. The Chief Minister’s announcement is not a miracle. Relief funds should be raised. DMK should learn from the Modi government to pay directly into the bank accounts,” Annamalai said while addressing the media in Chennai.
He proposed that the existing process, involving obtaining certificates and tokens, creates unnecessary delays.
Amidst the controversy surrounding the completion status of rainwater drainage works, Annamalai proposed an audit led by a judge to ascertain the accuracy of the completion figures.
He pointed out the disparity in the reported completion percentage, emphasising that transparency in the audit process is crucial.
Annamalai stated that if the government claims the work is done, it should be audited in the presence of the Supreme Court or the High Court.
Responding to TN Minister K N Nehru’s assertion that 98 per cent of the drainage work was completed three months ago, Annamalai contested the claim, citing the present completion rate of only 42 per cent.
He called for accountability and transparency in addressing the flood-related challenges and urged the government to prioritise the immediate identification and repair of damaged areas.
Earlier, responding to Chief Minister MK Stalin’s announcement to give a cash aid of Rs 6,000 each to the affected families, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) General Secretary Edappadi Palaniswami also demanded to double “Michaung” aid relief package to Rs 12,000 to all families from the Tamil Nadu government.