Continuing her tirade against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, Swapna Suresh, prime accused in the gold smuggling through diplomatic channel case, has accused him of running benami businesses in the Gulf countries
In an interview to a Malayalam news channel, Swapna claimed that Pinarayi Vijayan has benami businesses in the UAE, Sharjah, and Ajman. That is why he visits the Gulf countries frequently, she alleged.
She alleged that all the ‘K’ projects being implemented in the state are ‘V’projects. “While planning the project, big sharks are found and money is taken from them first. Only later, will they realise that the project is just on paper. But they will not have the courage to oppose the chief minister. Many such projects have been conceived under the leadership of Sivasankar (CM’s former principal secretary),” Swapna said.
She said she also participated in the discussion held at Cliff House regarding such a project.
“Such a discussion has also taken place in Dubai. But Veena(CM’s daughter) has not participated in any discussion that I participated,” Swapna said, adding that there were more paper projects in the IT department which was headed by Sivashankar.
She said Sivasankar had even considered posting her in Bengaluru to assist Veena’s company, ‘Exalogic Solutions’, but she rejected the same since her children were studying in Thiruvananthapuram. “When Price WaterCoopers blocked her appointment, they registered company under the name Vision Technologies based in Aurangabad that existed only in the papers, and inducted us,” she adde.
Swapna said CPI-M central committee member E P Jayarajan’s son was initially considered for the AI camera project. “The discussion of the project took place when Jayarajan was the Minister of Industry. However, when it came to the implementation stage, he was excluded.I Knew all about AI camera project. It is fully embroiled in corruption,” Swapna said
Swapna Suresh had earlier alleged that Chief Minister Vijayan was very much involved in the gold and dollar smuggling cases and carried out several illegal monetary transactions.