Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said Swahid Diwas was an occasion to remember the extraordinary courage and sacrifices of those who dedicated themselves to the Assam Movement.
In a post on X, Modi said, “Swahid Diwas is an occasion to remember the extraordinary courage and sacrifices of those who dedicated themselves to the Assam Movement. Their unwavering resolve and selfless efforts helped preserve Assam’s unique culture and identity. Their valour also inspires us all to continue working towards a developed Assam.”
The civil disobedience movement was launched by the Assam Students Union (ASU) and All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad (AASGP) in 1979 against the infiltrators who entered Assam from Bangladesh.
The movement ended in 1985 after the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi signed the historic Assam accord that assured the detection of the illegal foreigners and promised to ensure Constitutional, legislative and administrative safeguards to protect, preserve and promote cultural, social and linguistic identity and heritage of the Assamese people.
Meanwhile, Union Minister for Ports, Shipping, and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal also paid solemn tributes to the martyrs of the historic Assam Movement on the auspicious occasion of “Swahid Diwas”.
The tribute ceremony was held in the national capital at his residence and was attended by Members of Parliament Rameswar Teli and Pradan Baruah.
Honouring the supreme sacrifices made by the martyrs, Sonowal expressed profound respect and reiterated the importance of their contributions in safeguarding Assam’s identity, culture, and heritage. “May their saga of sacrifice remain immortal, inspiring future generations to uphold the ideals of justice and unity,” the Minister remarked.
The Assam Movement, a significant chapter in India’s socio-political history, stands as a testament to the resilience and aspirations of the people of Assam. The observance of “Swahid Diwas” concluded with a pledge to continue efforts for the development and prosperity of Assam, ensuring that the ideals of the movement guide future endeavours.