Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday said that two most important pillars in India’s fight against Covid pandemic are strong leadership and collective efforts.
“As our action plan against Covid pandemic was implemented nationwide with collective efforts of all, this has shown India’s strength unitedly,” said Mandaviya while addressing a webinar on ‘India’s Public Health Response to COVID Management’ with NGOs associated with NITI Aayog.
The Cheif Executive Officer of NITI Aayog Amitabh Kant was also present in the virtual webinar.
“NGOs have played an important role during the Corona disaster and the world is appreciating the way India has fought unitedly against Covid pandemic”, said Mandaviya while addressing the NGOs. He added that NGOs played a crucial role in allaying fear in community, removing vaccine hesitancy, mobilizing people for vaccination, outreach to vulnerable people and most importantly conveying authentic information.
Talking about India’s efforts in fight against Covid pandemic, Amitabh Kant said that there was a big difference in the approach of India and other countries. India’s approach in fight against Covid was based on technology which helped us in achieving this result. “Around 14 million people played important role in making vaccine against Covid available for people and themselves. Covid vaccine was made available on affordable prices in India”, said Kant.
The NITI Aayog CEO said that India adopted a systematic approach in fight against Covid. There were many challenges also behind the success of the vaccination campaign like from the production to its equitable distribution, doubts about the vaccine, prioritizing, transportation issues in India. India has become the vaccine capital of the whole world, he said.