Telugu actor-and-politician Pawan Kalyan said here on Thursday that despite being in the NDA he was standing by the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) which was currently weakened due to the recent incarceration of its president N Chandrababu Naidu in connection with the multi-crore skill development scam case.
At a time when Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy was on a two-day visit to the national capital reports surfaced that Jana Sena, which was in alliance with the BJP, decided to quit NDA. But Jana Sena party spokesperson clarified that during his evening rally at Pedana in the Krishna district, Pawan Kalyan had said despite being in the NDA he has come out in support of TDP.
The actor explained to his supporters why supporting the TDP was the need of the hour. He said, “The TDP has experience in governance but currently it is weak, Jana Sena has the new blood to infuse it and together we can be formidable enough to send YSRCP to the nether world.”
The Jana Sena chief met Chandrababu Naidu in jail on 14 September and promptly announced the alliance between TDP-Jana Sena for the forthcoming elections. He said he would try to convince the BJP to back their alliance. YSRCP obviously, is keen to see Jana Sena quit the NDA. This is because the TDP-JSP-BJP combine could challenge the ruling party. The vote percentage of BJP might not be much but it will ensure better election management.
However, there is a growing perception among TDP supporters that the BJP has YSRCP’s back over Chandrababu Naidu’s arrest. The former chief minister is in jail for nearly a month with his remand again extended till 19 October by the Anti Corruption Bureau court as it continues to hear his bail application as well as CID’s petition for his custody.
Reports have emerged that TDP general secretary Nara Lokesh tried to meet Congress MP Rahul Gandhi. The TDP is feeling isolated as no other political party stood by it since it is in neither the NDA nor the INDIA. But till elections are over in Telangana, the Congress leadership might not be keen to hobnob with the TDP which is perceived as an “Andhra” party.