India on Saturday recorded the steepest single-day jump of 14,516 new Coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours taking the total number of cases to 3,95,048. As many as 375 fatalities were reported in the same time period taking the death toll to 12,948.
Of the total number of infections, 1,68,269 are active cases while 2,13,831 people have been cured of the virus.
This is the first time that more that coronavirus cases crossed the 14,000-mark in a single day.
Meanwhile, the country’s recovery rate stood at 54.12 per cent this morning.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 66,16,496 samples have been tested for Coronavirus till 19 June while 1,89,869 samples have been tested in the last 24 hours.
Maharashtra continues to be worst hit with 1,24,331 cases and 5,893 deaths. Tamil Nadu follows with 54, 449 cases and 66 deaths whil Delhi has 53,116 infections and 2035 fatalities.
Delhi reported the highest single-day spike with 3,137 fresh COVID-19 cases till Friday night. As many as 66 people succumbed to the infection today.
This is second consecutive day when Delhi witnessed recorded more than 2,500 cases.
Meanwhile, the total number of global Coronavirus cases has surged to over 8.6 million, with the deaths nearing 460,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University.
With 2,219,976 cases and 119,099 deaths, the US continues with the world’s highest number of COVID-19 infections and fatalities, according to the CSSE.
Brazil comes in the second place with 1,032,913 infections and 48,954 deaths.
In terms of cases, Russia ranks third (560,321) followed by India.
The World Health Organization on Friday warned that the world is going through a “new and dangerous phase” of the coronavirus pandemic with people getting tired of lockdowns despite the disease’s accelerating spread.
The warning came as it emerged the virus was present in Italy in December, months before its first confirmed cases and about the same time as the disease was first reported in China.