The Sashashtra Seema Bal (SSB) has arrested two persons including a Nepalese citizen along with Nepalese currency notes from Indo-Nepal border in Bihar's East Champaran district, officials said on Thursday.
The two arrested persons have been identified as Ashish Kumar and Vijay Kumar Patel.
Ashish is the resident of Sitamarhi district while Vijay is the resident of Parsa district in Nepal.
SSB's 47th battalion Commandant Sonam Chhering said that SSB's team arrested the two persons along with Rs 6 lakh Nepalese currency during routine search of a vehicle yesterday.
The duo was arrested when they crossed into Indian side from Nepal riding motorcycle near pillar number 393 under Raxaul police station of the district, he said adding that Rs 6 lakh was kept in a bag in the dickey of the bike which bore the Nepalese registration number.
The two persons were handed over to Motihari Customs officials along with the seized money and motorcycle, SSB official said.