Uttar Pradesh’s former Chief Minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati took jibe on the Samajwadi Party (SP) on Saturday for their relations with criminals, and also highlighted that the “SP is losing its base” in Uttar Pradesh.
Mayawati took to her Twitter and alleged that, SP has internal connivance (milibhagat) with the BJP.
Mayawati further noted that “Specific reason that the BJP government has got a walkover and freedom to do its own things when the SP is the main Opposition party. Due to this, the life of the general public, especially the Muslim community, is troubled and there is restlessness among them.”
“In order to hide his anti-people shortcomings, the SP chief often tries to divert the attention of the people by launching unrestrained and childish rhetoric against others, due to which people and other Opposition parties in the country need to be cautious of the SP,” she further added in another tweet.
The BSP chief’s dig at the Samajwadi Party comes soon after SP president Akhilesh Yadav, in an interview with a news channel, named the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) as a prisoner in a self-made jail mastered by the BJP.
Mayawati, on Friday, attacked the Bhartiya Janta Party over its order to survey the unregistered Madrassas in Uttar Pradesh.”Complaints of Muslim society being exploited, neglected and riot-victimized, etc. have been common in Congress times, yet after coming to power by doing narrow politics in the name of ‘appeasement’ by BJP, now they are being oppressed and there is (Muslim teasing). The game continues uninterrupted, which is very sad and condemnable,” Mayawati tweeted.
The government should aim on improving the condition of government-aided madrassas and government schools, she said.
The Uttar Pradesh government on September 1 announced to conduct a survey in unrecognised madrassas to ascertain information on the number of students, teachers, curriculum, and its affiliation with any non-government organization.
(With Inputs From ANI)