Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and PWD Minister Manish Sisodia, on Monday, reviewed the ongoing work of road construction and laying drainage system in the unauthorised colonies along with the senior officials of Irrigation and Flood Control Department (I&FC) and Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC).
Of 1,800 unauthorised colonies, the development work of about 1,100 unauthorised colonies of Delhi is either in its final stage or has been completed.
Sisodia said in just four years, the Delhi government developed roads and drainage systems of 1100 unauthorised colonies in 60 assembly constituencies.
He said under the leadership of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, the Delhi government has constructed 3767 kms of roads and 5203 kms of drains in unauthorised colonies of the National Capital.
During the review meeting, the Delhi Deputy Chief Minister directed the officials to complete the pending work in the next three months. These development works include the construction of roads, streets and drains, to install sewer and water pipelines in these colonies. Along with this, the development work will be started soon in the remaining colonies as well.
During the meeting, the officials said that there are about 300 unauthorised colonies, where development work could not be carried out. The various reasons stated by the officials included the unavailability of NOCs from the archeological department & DDA, the region being attributed as forest land, and overlapping. Along with this, officials added that some of them are already developed and have the basic civic infrastructure, or they are being developed by other agencies.