The Delhi Police team investigating the gruesome murder case of Shraddha Walker, on Tuesday, took the accused, Aftab Poonawala, to the crime site in the jungle and recreated the crime scene in various parts of the jungle to understand the modus operadi the killer employed to commit the crime and dispose of the victim’s body.
The police team searched for the body parts of the deceased with the help of the accused who had dumped them in the jungle. According to the police, many parts of the body are yet to be recovered including the head of the deceased.
A police official said that the Delhi Police took Aftab to one of the places where he dumped parts of Shraddha’s body and recovered over 10 samples that are suspected to be human remains. These samples have been sent for forensic analysis. The police are also trying to recover Shraddha’s phone, which was also dumped by the accused.
The arrest of the accused on Saturday blew the lid off a missing case when it came to light that the accused had allegedly murdered his live-in partner, hacked her body into 35 pieces and scattered them all over Delhi to escape the clutches of law.
Meanwhile, as the investigation proceeds new facts about the case are coming out to the shock of the police and the country.
Active social media accounts
It has been revealed that accused, Aftab Amin Poonawala, stayed active on Shraddha Walkar’s social media accounts to conceal the murder. He used the social media accounts to give a false impression of her presence, so that no one could suspect of her disappearance. However, it was only a matter of time before he ran out of luck and the police came knocking at his door.
Women visitors to crime spot
Aftab is said to have brought other women to his house at 93/1, lane number-1, Chhattarpur Pahadi, South Delhi, even as the body parts of the deceased Shraddha remained in the fridge wrapped in multiple plastic bags. Those women who came to have an affair with Aftab, had no idea that the newly-bought refrigerator kept at one corner of the house was filled with the chopped body parts of Aftab’s live-in partner.
Took Google’s help
The police came up with the gory details about Aftab’s Google search history where he looked for the method of blood cleaning and human anatomy. While murdering his partner and chopping off her body into pieces, he followed some of the ways shown in crime shows. He was inspired by the US show ‘Dexter’ besides following many other crime series.
Neighbours can’t believe
Aftab’s neighbours are still in daze unable to believe that something like this could have happened in their vicinity. They say everything looked so normal until the police came to the house and revealed the truth.
They said there was barely any furniture in the couple’s house and that the new 300-litre refrigerator the accused purchased to hide the body was kept in the drawing room.
Surprisingly, the neighbours disclosed that they had never seen the victim in the locality but had spotted the accused couple of times coming downstairs from his house to collect food delivery orders.
Father wants gallows for the killer
Horrified by the fate of his daughter, the distraught father of the deceased, Vikas Walker, is barely able to control his emotions. Demanding death penalty for Aftab, he said that the investigation by the Delhi Police is in right direction. He even said that Shraddha didn’t talk to him much. However, she was close to her uncle.
‘Love Jihad’ label
The gruesome murder, which shook the world has now been dragged into the Love Jihad zone. Some of the leaders from BJP, along with right-wing organisations have labeled the crime as Love Jihad and demanded the police to consider the love jihad angle of the crime.
One of the BJP leader said that this is not mere murder, but the Delhi Police should also investigate it with the love jihad angle. The circumstances show that a gang is involved in the murder case as, he said it’s not the handiwork of one person.
NCW Writes to CP, Delhi
The National Commission for Women (NCW) wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Police, Delhi, and urged him to direct the police to conduct a fair and time-bound investigation into the case. An action taken report has been sought by the NCW from the Delhi Police along with a copy of the medical reports of the victim within five days.
Common friend questioned
A childhood friend of Shraddha Walkar had first alerted the family of missing status of the deceased in September, which kick started the investigation into the sensational murder case.
According to her friend, after getting into a relationship in the year 2018, Shraddha and Aftaab were living happily, but then Sharddha surfaced domestic violence. Aftab used to beat her regularly, due to which she wanted to leave him but couldn’t do so.
The police have called one of the common friends of Aftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walker for questioning. This friend is one, who had intimated Shraddha’s father about her missing status.