Amid the political impasse in Maharashtra, the Shiv Sena has approached the Supreme Court seeking urgent hearing against Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari’s decision to not extend the time given to the party to prove their ability to form government in the state.
Advocate Sunil Fernandez has filed the plea for Shiv Sena. Party MLA Anil Parab is a co-petitioner in the case.
The Shiv Sena had requested for a three-day extension for submitting ‘requisite’ letters of support from other political parties, which the Governor rejected.
According to reports, Shiv Sena has sought a hearing in the case today itself. “Governor wrongfully declined to give three days,” the party has claimed.
Congress leader Kapil Sibal will be representing Shiv Sena in the apex court. Uddhav Thackeray had reportedly spoken to Kapil Sibal and Ahmed Patel over the issue earlier.
Sena leaders including party MP Sanjay Raut had pointed that the Governor had given the BJP, the single largest party, three days to indicate its willingness to stake claim and prove its numbers.
The Supreme Court is yet to inform Sena lawyers about the listing of the case.
The move comes as the Union Cabinet has recommended President’s Rule in the state.
The recommendation was made as none of the three parties, whom the Governor had invited to stake claim, showed an intent to form the government within the stipulated time.
The Maharashtra Governor in a statement clarified that he has recommended imposing President’s Rule in Maharashtra.
After the BJP refused to stake claim of the government stating that it does not have required numbers, state Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on Sunday night invited the Shiv Sena, which is the second-largest party, to form the government in the state.
However, the Shiv Sena request for a three-day extension for submitting ‘requisite’ letters of support from other political parties, which the Governor rejected.
Following this, the Maharashtra Governor late on Monday invited the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) — ranked third largest in last month’s polls — to form the next government in the state.
Koshyari had given time to the NCP till 8.30 pm today to prove that it has the numbers to form the government.