Rs 146 crore being spent on underground utility ducts in Shimla: Himachal CM
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday said Rs 146.34 crore would be spent on the ambitious project for underground utility ducts.
One person lost his life and around 10 persons were severely injured in the said incident.
[Representational image: iStock]
Taking a serious note of the LPG blast which took place at Himachali Rasoi in Middle Bazaar, Shimla on July 18, the Himachal Pradesh Department of Labour and Employment has been directed to ensure strict compliance with the HP Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1969.
One person lost his life and around 10 persons were severely injured in the said incident.
Labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment Manasi Sahay Thakur said here on Friday that it has been apprehended that the incident occurred due to the non-observance of the provisions under Rules 22, 23, 24 pertaining to the safety, security and health of the workers/employees as provided in the HP Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1969 & HP Rules framed there under.
“The Department will conduct comprehensive inspections, specifically in relation to the provisions of the safety, security and welfare of the workers in and around the periphery of Shimla City in a mission mode manner in upcoming days and the violations shall be viewed seriously and prosecutions shall be launched against the defaulter employers in the competent Court of Law, necessary directions are being issued to the inspector, officers in this regard,” she said.
The HP Shops and Commercial Rules, 1972 provide for the strict adherence to the norms pertaining to evacuation in case of fire or smoke, norms pertaining to the specifications of the area allocation to the workspace, a periodical medical checkup of the workers, provisions of proper ventilation, lightings who are being employed to handle the foodstuff or working in various processes involved in the eateries, dhabas, tea-coffee shops restaurants, hotels and other food joints, wherein some manufacturing process is being carried on, she stated.
The department has issued directions to all shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, hoteliers and the owners of restaurants for strict adherence to the above Act along with other welfare provisions contained in the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and cover all employed workers under the Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESI), she added.
The employers are also required to maintain the records/registers of employees, register of attendance, register of wages, and register of leaves and the record/registers may be made available for inspections readily for the authorities.