Congress’s Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor, who commands an exceptional vocabulary, has introduced yet another ‘word’ from his ‘Tharoorosaurus’ to netizens. Today’s word for the day is ‘glibido’, which means “all talk and no action”.
The word, which Tharoor has shared as ‘mid-week vocabulary lesson’, seems to be a subtle dig at the government.
The Congress leader tweeted, “For a mid-week vocabulary boost: our Government leaders suffer from high “Glibido”: All talk and no action’.”
On 10 April, Tharoor had left the Twitter in awe yet again with the word: lalochezia, which is used describe the emotional relief that one gain from using abusive or profane language.
Posting the word ‘lalochezia’ on Twitter, Tharoor had written, “Every day, I encounter on @Twitter people suffering from lalochezia! All too often they direct their suffering at me & others who support my beliefs….”
The tweets of Tharoor are mostly laced with fancy words because of which a demand for Tharooraurus may have come up. His words like ‘farrago’ and ‘rodomontade’ had once inspired an Amul topical, which asked, “Tharooraurus anyone?”.