The Hyderabad Police have issued a second show-cause notice to T Raja Singh, the BJP MLA from Goshamahal who was suspended by the party for the hate speech he delivered in Mumbai on 29 January.
Raja Singh was arrested under Preventive Detention (PD) Act in August last year after making derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammad and uploading it on YouTube and the high court had ordered his release in November with certain conditions such as not making or posting provocative speeches on social media.
The show-cause notice issued by station house officer (SHO) of the Mangalhat police station yesterday cited an instance of his provocative speech and also the YouTube link of his speech.
The notice further stated, “Your speech with above provocative comments passed which have potential to provoke one particular religion and which is violation of the above mentioned conditions of the Hon’ble High Court.” Singh was asked to reply to the show-cause notice within two days. \
The rally was organised by a right-wing Hindu group and Singh, in his address on the occasion, touched upon Love Jihad, Halal products and asked people to desist from doing any business with people from Muslim community.
The suspended BJP MLA had more than 100 cases against him, several of them for hate speech for which the police tagged him as a habitual offender.
The first show-cause notice was issued against him for a Twitter post on the anniversary of Babri demolition where he had paid tributes to the Kar Sevaks who lost their lives and whose sacrifices made the construction of the Ram Mandir possible at Ayodhya.