

Search operations resume in Wayanad, body parts recovered from Kanthanpara

According to official figures, 126 people are still missing, and 1,184 people are currently living in 14 camps.

Search operations resume in Wayanad, body parts recovered from Kanthanpara

Photo: ANI

After a day’s break, the state government-initiated extensive search operations resumed on Sunday morning in the landslide-hit Chooralmala and Kandakkai areas in Wayanad. The efforts, involving the public and victims’ relatives, aim to trace those still missing from the calamity that struck Wayanad on July 30.

The search operations took a break on Friday afternoon as the area was handed over to the Special Protection Group (SPG) in preparation for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the landslide-hit areas in Wayanad on Saturday.

The operation teams include police, fire and rescue teams, volunteers, youth groups, the public, and survivors. The search is concentrated in six zones: Mundakkai, Chooralmala, Punchirimattam,, and along the Chaliyar River, with special teams deployed in Soochipara and Kanthanpara. Authorities have included four members from each relief camp to assist in locating and identifying missing individuals. Cadaver dogs are being used to locate bodies trapped under debris.


During a search drive on Sunday, two body parts were recovered from the river in the Kanthanpara area, and another body part was found at Parapan Rock. These body parts were discovered in the same area where three dead bodies were found on Friday.

Meanwhile, the special search drive downstream of the Chaliyar River will resume on Monday. According to official figures, 126 people are still missing, and 1,184 people are currently living in 14 camps.

The Wayanad district administration released a list on Wednesday indicating that 138 persons are still missing following the devastating landslides that particularly affected the villages of Chooralmala, Mundakkai, and Punchirivattam. Since then, some bodies have been recovered. Among those missing are 24 children, 57 women, and 49 men, including three migrant labourers from Bihar.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi has sought a detailed memorandum on the damages from the state government.

“The government will act favourably once we receive the memorandum,” the PM said.

The Prime Minister stated that funds will not be an issue for the relief and rehabilitation of survivors affected by the landslides in Chooralmala and Mundakkai in the Wayanad district.

PM Modi assured that both the state and the Centre will join hands for the rehabilitation package. Central ministers and officials have already engaged in discussions. “The country and the government stand with the survivors. We want to assure the affected that they are not alone,” the PM said.
