

SBI Clerk admit cards 2019 released at sbi.co.in | Download now

SBI Clerk admit cards 2019: The candidates can download the SBI Clerk admit cards 2019 from the official website- sbi.co.in.

SBI Clerk admit cards 2019 released at sbi.co.in | Download now


SBI Clerk admit cards 2019: State Bank of India has released the admit cards for Junior Associates for the preliminary examination. The candidates can download the SBI Clerk admit cards 2019 from the official website- sbi.co.in.

The candidates can download their admit cards till June 23, 2019 using their registration ID and password. The preliminary examination will be conducted in the month of June 2019.


How to download SBI Clerk admit cards 2019:


The candidates can download their admit cards by following the steps given below:

• Visit the official website-www.sbi.co.in

• On the homepage, click on the page that opens, “Careers”

• On the page that opens, click on the link that says, “Download online preliminary call letter for Junior Associate”

• On the page that opens, enter the registration number and password and click on login.

• The admit cards will be displayed on the screen.

• Download the admit cards and save for future reference.

Direct Link: The candidates can download the admit cards by clicking on the direct link here.

Selection Procedure: Preliminary Examination

• The Preliminary Examination will consist of Objective Tests of 100 marks. This test will be conducted for a total of 1-hour duration consisting of English language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability.

• One-fourth of marks assigned for question will be deducted for every wrong answer.

For more information, the candidates should check the official website.
