Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Saturday joined her brother Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad, which also happens to be the place of her in-laws. During the yatra, Priyanka addressed the people of Muradabad as “sasuralwalon” and expressed her happiness to be among them.
“Sasuralwalon…I am very happy to be here… And today I am very happy to participate in this Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra, especially that for the first time I have come with my in-laws in this journey,” she said.
Addressing the people, the Congress leader said that “injustice” is being done to the women, youth and farmers and called for “change”.
“Rahul Gandhi ji is doing ‘Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra’. The word “Nyay” (justice) is associated with this journey because injustice is being done to the women, youth and farmers of the country. Unless you bring about change, your circumstances are not going to change,”
Priyanka said that unemployment and inflation are on the rise and accused the Modi government of not listening to the agitating farmers.
“Unemployment and inflation are continuously increasing in the country. Farmers were protesting yesterday, farmers are protesting today also, but the government is not listening to them,” she said.
Refering to the controversial bulldozer action in the BJP-ruled state, the Congress general secretary said that the government was only targeting the houses of innocents.
“In Uttar Pradesh, bulldozers did not run against the houses of those who crushed farmers under their jeeps, tortured women and leaked papers. In this government, bulldozers are not going on the culprits, but only on the houses of the innocent,” she added.
Priyanka Gandhi is likely to make her political debut in this year’s Lok Sabha elections from Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, she would replace her mother Sonia Gandhi in Raebareli after the latter became a Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan.