Despite the Sports Authority of India’s (SAI) assurances that the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium would be ready for the Indian Super League (ISL) match between Punjab FC and Chennaiyin FC on Thursday, a recent visit to the venue revealed significant issues. Following the two-day ‘Dil-Luminati’ concert by singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh, the stadium still shows visible signs of neglect.
A visit by The Statesman found the venue littered with discarded bottles and confetti, while the track bore multiple stains. The seating was also in disrepair, with numerous broken or damaged chairs. The concert, attended by around 70,000 fans, over two days, left the grass field in particularly poor condition, raising concerns about its suitability for the upcoming match.
A Punjab FC official, on the condition of anonymity, expressed frustration, stating, “The field is in bad shape. It seems the organizers and stadium officials didn’t take adequate precautions. The damage to the grass is visible in multiple areas, creating an uneven playing surface.” He noted that while efforts to treat the damaged areas were underway, it would be impossible for the grass to recover in just two days. The official added, “They haven’t even removed the equipment yet. We need to set up the LED lights and other arrangements, and time is running out.”
Delhi-based middle-distance runner Beant Singh criticized the situation on social media, highlighting the disrespect shown towards athletes and sports infrastructure. In a viral video, he lamented, “This is where athletes train, yet people were allowed to drink, dance, and party. Equipment like hurdles has been broken and scattered.” Singh lamented the lack of respect for the facilities and for the athletes who are expected to perform at a high level.
In an attempt to mitigate the fallout though, SAI issued a statement asserting that the stadium is ready for the match. “The Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Main Arena will be in top shape to host the ISL match on October 31. The turf has been restored to match playing condition before the Diwali game,” they claimed.
SAI also clarified that the concert organizers had booked the venue until October 28, 2024, for cleaning at full rental rates. The agency maintained that their contract stipulated the venue should be returned in the same condition it was handed over. “Around 70,000 people attended the concert over two days, and the cleaning is already complete,” SAI stated, despite the evidence to the contrary.