The Rajya Sabha on Friday witnessed an uproar over various issues, including demand for special status for Andhra Pradesh, forcing Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu to adjourn the proceedings till 2.30 p.m.
As soon as Naidu called for the Zero Hour after conducting listed businesses, the Telegu Desam Party and AIADMK members were on their feet.
They trooped near the Chair’s podium and started sloganeering.
The TDP members demanded special status for Andhra Pradesh while the AIADMK members from Tamil Nadu raked up the Cauvery water issue.
Naidu urged the members to go back to their seats, and said that already a week has been wasted over protests.
But the agitating members did not relent. Amid the chaos, the Chairman then adjourned the House till 2.30 p.m.