Rs 1.50 crore as fines for rules breakings till April-end has been collected by LEH, Ladakh traffic police over, following with the authorities launched a traffic rules enforcement drive before the tourist season, officials said.
Also, 761 traffic challans were issued and a fine of Rs 2,82,000 was collected from the violators in the last three days, officially added.
On May 28, the traffic police launched a special drive against rules violations, such as over-speeding, dangerous driving, driving without a license, and wrong parking in the Leh and Kargil districts.
To ensure smooth execution of the drive, special check-points have been established at different places like on the Kargil-Drass road, the Kargil-Sankoo road, the Kargil-Leh road, the Leh-Nubra road, the Leh-Upshi road, and the Leh-Kargil road, the officials said.
The traffic authorities have also introduced modern traffic gadgets, including speed radar guns, and Alcometer for better execution and enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA).
“The enforcement drive against traffic violations has been intensified given the rise in motor transport vehicles during the upcoming tourist season”, the officer said.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Traffic, Mohd Rafi Giri said special drives will be carried out against drunk driving, road rage, off-road driving, dangerous driving and using high-beam lights.