Now, MBA degree must for job of commercial inspector in Railways
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will soon conduct an examination to fill the vacant posts in the Commercial Department.
RRB JE answer keys 2019: The candidates can check the answer keys for the Junior Engineer Stage 1 Exam from the official
RRB JE answer keys 2019: Railway Recruitment Board has released the RRB Junior Engineer answer keys 2019. The candidates can check the answer keys for the Junior Engineer Stage 1 Exam from the official
The first stage Computer Based Test was conducted from May 25, 2019 to June 2, 2019 and June 26, 2019 to June 28, 2019. If the candidates want to raise objections against the answer keys, they can challenge the answer keys till July 14, 2019.
How to check RRB JE answer keys 2019:
The candidates can check the answer keys by following the steps given below:
• Visit the official
• On the homepage, click on the page that says, “View answer keys”
• On the page that opens, enter all the details asked like roll number, date of birth and click on submit.
• The answer keys will be displayed on the screen.
• Check all the details and download the answer keys for future reference.
Direct Link: The candidates can download the answer keys by clicking on the direct link here.
How to raise objections against the answer keys:
• The candidates should login into the objection link and then click on the “Raise Objection” button given there.
• They will have to pay Rs. 50 for every objection raised. The last date to raise objection is July 14, 2019.
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.