Now, MBA degree must for job of commercial inspector in Railways
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will soon conduct an examination to fill the vacant posts in the Commercial Department.
RRB Group D answer key 2018: The link to raise the objections would be activated on the regional website. The candidates who want to challenge the answer keys have to pay Rs 50 per question.
(Photo: Getty Images)
RRB Group D answer key 2018: The Railway Recruitment Board has released the Group D Answer Key 2018 that was conducted from September to December 2018.
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of written examination and Physical Endurance Test. The link to raise the objections would be activated on the regional website. The candidates who want to challenge the answer keys have to pay Rs 50 per question. The fee will be refunded if the objection is accepted.
The last date to raise objections is January 19, 2019.
How to raise objections for RRB Group D answer key:
• Visit the regional websites of RRB.
• On the homepage, click on the link that says RRB answer key
• Carefully go through the Group D Answer Key and note down the question ID you want to raise the objection on.
• In case the candidate wants to raise an objection then he has to note the correct option ID from the four option IDs available.
• Provide the reason or reference for your answer on the box on the top right corner.
• Repeat the process for all the objections.
• After raising objections click on submit and pay the fee.
Application fee:
• The candidates have to pay an application fee of Rs 50 for every question.
• The fee will be refunded if the objection is accepted.