The Railway Protection Force (RPF) recovered stolen railway property worth Rs 12.48 crore and arrested 12,099 offenders in 2023.
Highlighting achievements by the RPF during 2023, the Ministry of Railways mentioned Operation “Rail Suraksha”.
Under this operation, as per the mandate to safeguard railway property, the RPF took legal action against crimes involving railway property. “During the year, RPF registered 6,312 cases of theft of railway property in which recovery of stolen railway property worth Rs 12.48 crore was made with the arrest of 12,099 offenders,” the Ministry said.
The RPF was constituted under the RPF Act, 1957 by the Government of India under the Ministry of Railways, for better protection and security of Railway property, to remove any obstruction in the movement of railway property, and to do any other act conducive for better protection and security of railway property. It is empowered to deal with cases of crime against railway property under the provisions of the Railway Property (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1966. RP (UP) Act.
The RPF has also been entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway passenger areas and railway passengers since 2004.
The force carries on an unrelenting fight against criminals in protecting railway passengers, passenger areas and railway property facilitates passenger travel and security, remains vigilant to prevent the trafficking of women and children, and takes appropriate action to rehabilitate destitute children found in Railway areas. The force has the distinction of the central force with the largest share of women (9 per cent) in its ranks.
The RPF undertakes the noble cause of identifying and rescuing children in need of care & protection who are lost/separated from their families due to various reasons.
The force has played an important role in reuniting the children lost/separated due to several reasons from their families and rescued Children in need of care & protection who came in contact with Indian Railways.
In this context, an intensive drive viz ‘NanheFaristey’ is being run on Indian Railways to rescue children in need of care and protection found in trains/railway stations and this is showing remarkable results. “During the year, 11794 such children were rescued by the RPF personnel,” the Ministry said.
The Ministry of Railways also mentioned the Mission “Jeevan Raksha”.
There are incidents wherein passengers in a hurry try to board/de-board a moving train, slip, and fall with the risk of coming under the wheels of the train. There are other instances where people in distress try to commit suicide by deliberately coming in front of a running train.
Under this operation (Mission “JeevanRaksha”) the RPF personnel, risking their own lives, try to rescue the lives of others. During the year, 3719 precious lives were saved by RPF personnel.