The Delhi Police have arrested 84 persons in various cases of rioting and causing damage to public property, besides registering 38 cases at different police stations after the violence that broke out during the farmers’ tractor rally in the national capital on January 26.
Delhi Police are conducting multiple raids at various places in Punjab and Haryana. Delhi Police on Saturday conducted raids at different places in Jalandhar in connection with the vandalism at the Red Fort on Republic Day.
Acting upon the information that two persons — Jugraj Singh and Navpreet Singh of Tarn Taran — had hoisted the Nishan Sahib flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort on January 26, the Delhi Police raided the Basti Bawa Khel area of Jalandhar.
Widening the ambit of the probe, the police are also probing the role of foreign organisations and individuals in the violence that broke out in the national capital on Republic Day.
After slapping sections of rioting, criminal conspiracy and attempt to murder on the rioters, the Delhi Police have pressed more serious charges such as the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act on the protesters found involved in the violent protests.
Meanwhile, the Crime Branch of the Delhi Police has reached out to the people seeking evidence in the form of mobile/video footage or recording statements regarding the January 26 violence.
The police have also appealed to the media to provide the investigating agency with the footages captured during the violent protests on January 26.
The Crime Branch has sent notices to at least nine farmer leaders in connection with the violence to join the investigation.
(With IANS inputs)