Novelist Chetan Bhagat on Sunday announced that he would join Congress as the country needed to be ‘fixed’. The author of the book ‘One night at the call centre’ added that he would be supporting the Rahul Gandhi-led party in their Karnataka campaign.
Karnataka Assembly elections will be held on May 12, while the counting of the votes will take place on 15 May.
The writer took to micro-blogging site Twitter to make the announcement as he posted, “Couldn’t take it anymore. The country needs to be fixed. Joining Congress. Will be supporting their Karnataka campaign. With RG, let’s make a better India. Need your blessings in what is a big move for me.”
Bhagat’s Twitter timeline was soon flooded with mixed reactions. His decision of joining the Congress seems to have angered a lot of people, who pointed out that the writer had attacked the party on many occasions in the past.
Some people, however, congratulated Bhagat on his decision and wished him a good run in politics.
There were also some people who actually saw through the tweet and immediately realised that it was an ‘April Fools’ Day’ joke.
Yes, to the disappointment of people who were happy with the decision of Bhagat joining Congress, it was just a prank.
Bhagat added a link at the end of his tweet saying it holds more details regarding his decision. The link redirects a user to the ‘April Fool’s Day’ page.
Well, it seems that a lot of people fell for the ‘innocent’ prank and it’s safe to say that the Wikipedia page on ‘April Fools’ Day’ is witnessing footfall in large number today.
As we visited the page, this is the message that we got, “Sorry, the servers are overloaded at the moment. Too many users are trying to view this page. Please wait a while before you try to access this page again.”