Delhi Police has arrested two more persons in connection with the Red Fort violence on Republic Day, police said.
One of them, identified as Maninderjit Singh, a Dutch national settled in Birmingham, UK, was arrested at IGI Airport while allegedly trying to flee from India on forged travel documents, police said. Another accused, identified as Khempreet Singh, had allegedly assaulted police personnel on duty inside the Red Fort with a spear, police said.
“Accused Maninderjit Singh was involved in Red Fort violence case and video footages have shown the presence of accused alongside the unlawfully assembled unruly riotous mob at Red Fort. The presence of the accused at Red Fort is also established through electronic evidence. He was absconding and willfully evading his arrest,” police said.
Maninderjit was produced before a court and has been sent to four-day police remand. Police charged that Khempreet was also actively involved in the Red Fort violence.
On the basis of electronic surveillance, he was arrested on 9 March, police added. During the investigation, Khempreet disclosed that on 26 January, he along with his associates joined the unruly mob from Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar and finally reached the Red Fort after breaching the barricades at Burari and Chatta Rail, police said.
Police charged that Maninderjit was a habitual offender and that several criminal cases were registered against him. Khempreet is a resident of Delhi’s Swaroop Nagar area. He was arrested from Khayala area in outer Delhi when he was hiding at a relative’s house. On Republic Day, many protesters deviated from the pre-agreed route of protesting farmers’ tractor rally in Delhi and broke barricades to enter the national capital.
They allegedly clashed with police and vandalised property in several parts of the national capital. They also entered the Red Fort and unfurled their flags from its ramparts.
Thousands of farmers, including women, children and elderly people, have been protesting against the Narendra Modi-led central government’s three controversial fam laws at Delhi’s borders since 26 November last year peacefully.
Delhi Police has arrested about 150 people in connection with the Republic Day violence so far.