The coronavirus cases in India reached 2,66,598 on Tuesday out of which 1,29,917 are active cases and 1,29,214 cases have been recovered. The country’s death toll reached 7,466 according to ministry of health.
A record number of 9,987 cases and 331 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, as the government allowed a number of relaxations from Monday after over two months of lockdown. This is the biggest single-day jump in cases as the country has been recording over 9,000 cases for the seventh consecutive day.
India ranks fifth in the world in terms of COVID-19 cases. Maharashtra remains the worst affected state in the country, with 88,528 cases, including 3,169 deaths.
As the global tally of coronavirus reached 7,113,366 on Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the pandemic was “worsening” across the world.
With 1,36,000 cases reported in a day, the world recorded its highest daily jump of cases according to the WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who said, “More than six months into the pandemic, this is not the time for any country to take its foot off the pedal.”
“Although the situation in Europe is improving, globally it is worsening,” he said.
According to Johns Hopkins University tracker, the highest cases of infections have been reported from the United States (1.9 million), followed by Brazil (7,07,412), Russia (4,76,043) and the United Kingdom (2,88,834). The global death toll has climbed to 4,06,413.