Rashtrapati Bhavan on Wednesday invited online applications from faculty members and students of Central Universities for Visitor’s Awards 2021 in various categories.
The categories are Innovation; Research in (a) Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, (b) Physical Sciences and (c) Biological Sciences; and Technology Development.
Applicants can apply by visiting website www.presidentofindia.nic.in and click on the link ‘7th Visitor’s Award, 2021’.
The last date for submitting the application is 31 October, 2021. More details can be seen at https://rb.nic.in/visitorawards.
The Visitor’s Awards were instituted in 2014 with the aim to promote healthy competition among Central Universities and motivate them to adopt best practices from around the world in pursuit of excellence.
The President of India, in his capacity as the Visitor of Central Universities, presents the Awards.