After BJP’s attack on Congress on the “Ram Setu” issue, the party defended itself by saying “Lord Rama was “omnipresent” and BJP was trying to divert attention from the development issues of Gujarat.
“Lord is omnipresent, he is everywhere, he resides in every substance and particles, Ram is present in the entire universe.
“You can see him in an idol, because that is a matter of faith. But it would have been good had the BJP respected the Ram in the hearts of the people in Gujarat, the Ram in the expectations and desire of Gujarati people … the Ram hiddden in people belonging to Patidar community, who were attacked by the BJP, and also against whom false complaints were filed, the Ram who resides in 30 lakh unemployed youth, the Ram in the farmers of Gujarat.
“They should have respected the Ram who is hidden in the pain and Sufferings of Dalits, who were attacked in Una..the Ram hidden in people belonging to backward classes who are being exploited. They should have been given due respect by the BJP,” he added.
Surjewala also said: “The truth is BJP is only diverting attention. They are not talking about issues. Gujarat election is not about Congress vs BJP, but the contest is between the people of Gujarat and BJP. They cannot hide the misrule of 22 years by taking Ram’s name.”
After an US science channel claimed that the ‘Ram Setu’ between India and Sri Lanka is man-made and not natural – a stand which the BJP takes, the ruling party had seized the chance to attack the Congress.