Expressing his anguish over the frequent disruptions in the proceedings of Rajya Sabha, Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday said the upper house of Parliament has often become “theatre of protest politics”.
Delivering his farewell speech to members retiring from the upper house of Parliament, Naidu expressed his agony on the way Rajya Sabha has been functioning for the past few days.
“Disruptions have unfortunately become a part of political tactic and the House has often become the theatre of protest politics,” he said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi too lamented the stalling of the Rajya Sabha, saying what happens in the Lok Sabha need not be followed in the upper house.
Modi too was delivering the farewell speech to the retiring members of the upper house.
The comments come in the backdrop of the second leg of the Budget session, which began on March 5, but has failed to transact any substantial business in both Houses of Parliament.
The upper house was only able to pass the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill 2017, while the Lok Sabha has cleared the Finance Bill 2018.
The Lok Sabha has been witnessing a washout in the second part of the budget session which started on March 5, and is scheduled to conclude on April 6.
No business has been transacted by the Lower House which has witnessed continued protests on a host of issues, ranging from the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud, special economic package for Andhra Pradesh and a board for management of the Cauvery water, along with other issues.