The Rajya Sabha was adjourned on Thursday after the Congress wanted discussions on the Unnao rape victim during the Zero Hour. The gruesome incident is of Thursday morning when a rape victim was set ablaze in Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao.
House Chairman Venkaiah Naidu declined to allow discussion, demanded by the Congress members, by saying that the matter was not listed. Over this, the other opposition party members also demanded the discussion.
Naidu tried to calm the members and after no one was listening to him, he adjourned the House.
On Thursday morning, a woman, who had survived a brutal gangrape earlier in March, was assaulted and set ablaze by five men accused in the case in Uttar Pradesh’s Unnao district when she was on her way to a local court for a hearing on the matter.
Read: UP: Rape survivor assaulted, set ablaze on way to court; 4 arrested, main accused at large
After being informed by the locals of the gruesome incident, Police rushed to the spot and the woman was admitted to a nearby government hospital. She was later referred to a Lucknow hospital as her condition worsened.